Exclusive Discount for Magicians who attended Blackpool Magic Convention 2020
I’ve just returned from a hectic, and extremely fun weekend in Blackpool. It may surprise you to know that whilst “The Vegas of The North” is famed in part for the number of Fortune Tellers working on the seafront, I went to the world’s largest Magic Convention.
If you are thinking it was a weekend of white witches sat around casting spells and burning sage, you’d be disappointed – it was actually an event for 4,500 entertainers, with card tricks, illusions, and similar. Think more “Paul Daniels and Penn & Teller” than “Alistair Crowley”!

During the 3 days I had the pleasure of seeing some top name Las Vegas magic acts perform, including Max Maven, Mac King, Lance Burton, and quick change artist Arturo Brochetti, and had the pleasure and honour of listening to controversial psychic Uri Geller share his insight into his work, marketing etc. One of the highlights for me personally though was seeing The Evasons perform their 2 person telepathy act – the show was mind blowing!

“On Stage” with The Evasons!
All in all, it was a fantastic, if extremely tiring, weekend with friends, colleagues, and heroes. The learning was intense, and there was lots of socialising in between the events. If you have an interest in performing magic (of the entertainment variety) you really need to book for next year.

Blackpool Magicians Club (organisers of The Blackpool Magici Convention) have just announced that Criss Angel will be running a couple of events next year!
I’m a big believer in thanking those who have been a part of something positive and fun. So, if you were one of the 4,500 attendees at this year’s Blackpool Magic Convention, I’d llike to offer you an exclusive discount on my forthcoming Fortune Telling Course…
The Secrets of Fortune Telling for Fun & Profit,
Sunday 8th March, 2020
Rochdale, Greater Manchester
During the day, I will be sharing the methods I use at House Parties, Corporate Events, and Trade Shows to read fortunes for entertainment.
The day will include:
- Tarot Reading (learning all 78 cards, and several spreads)
- Cartomancy (fortune telling with playing cards)
- Numerology
- Palmistry
- Dendrographology
- Creating your own systems for themed events etc
- Much More!
Attendees will also receive access to 5 1/2 hours of online video training, and additional bonus gifts.

If you were at Blackpool Magic Convention, and would like to learn the real secrets to fortune telling, you can save £10 on the ticket price by using the discount code TOWER
This code is exclusive for magicians who were at Blackpool Magic Convention, as a small ‘thank-you’ for a great weekend! Obviously it would be impossible for me to check if you were there, so I guess I’ll just have to trust you! 😉
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